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Учалинский колледж искусств и культуры
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение
Республики Башкортостан
Entry Requirements

Uchalinskiy college of arts and culture  SBEI SVE CaA RB

declares about the admission of the enterers for 2013-2014

on the next specialties of the deep preparation

(the continuation of the study is during 3 years and 10 months)


073101 «Instrumental  Performance” (on the types of instruments)

«Orchestral string instruments»

» Folk Orchestra Instruments »

«National Instruments peoples of Russia»

The admission to the college is on basic general education.

Qualification received “ An actor, teacher, accompanier”

073401 «Vocal Art»

The admission to the college is on basic general education.

Qualification received “ An actor-vocalist, teacher”

073403 «Solo folk singing”

The admission to the college is on basic general education.

Qualification received “ An actor-vocalist, teacher”

073502 «Choral Conducting»

The admission to the college is on basic general education.

Qualification received “ Chorus master,  Teacher”


072601 «Arts and crafts »

The admission to the college is on basic general education.

Qualification received “An artist-master, teacher”

 071501 «Folk art» «Choreography»

The admission to the college is on basic general education..

Qualification received «The leader of  creative collective,  teacher»


 071801  Social and cultural activities.»The organization and staging of cultural — events and theatrical performances»

The admission to the college is on basic (full) general education.

Qualification received “Manager of social and cultural activities”


The list of entrance examinations

for enterers  to Uchalinskiy college of Arts and Culture.

On basic general education (9 forms)

Russian language (The Document of  SCА or entrance examination)

  1. Literature (The Document of  SCА or entrance examination)
  2. Creative examination on specialty, solfeggio  and  musical  theory.


 On basic general education (11 forms)

  1. Russian language (The Document of  USE)
  2. Literature (The Document of  USE)
  3. Creative examination on specialty, solfeggio  and  musical  theory.


 The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan



of creative direction

according to  specialities

for enterers  SBEI SVE CaA RB

Uchalinskiy college of arts and Culture 


Uchaly 2013


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental  Performance” Piano.

Solo performance program

            An applicant must fulfill the program corresponding to the level of the graduate of children’s music school, Art School, which consists of 4 pieces. Approximate repertoire list:

1. J.S. Bach Prelude and Fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier

2. J.Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L.Beethoven Sonata, Part 1.

3. A. Borodin. «In the monastery.»

4. C. Czerny. Etude. Comp. 740


1. J.S. Bach Invention 3 voices.

2. W.A. Mozart  Sonata in g-dur, p.1.

3. C. Czerny Etude. Comp.299.

4. F. Mendelssohn «Song without words.»


1. J.S. Bach. Invention 2 voices.

2. L. Beethoven, W.A. Mozart  Sonatina.

3. C. Czerny, comp..299, C. Czerny-Germer. Etude.

4. Piece by choice.



Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance» «Orchestral string instruments»

Solo performance program

An applicant must fulfill the scale and three — four pieces that meet the requirements of graduates of Music School, Art School. Approximate list of works:


1. Scale G Major (scale, arpeggio).

2. J. Mazas  Etude № 8 (I, 22).

3. A. Vivaldi Concerto  A minor 2,3 p.

4. Johannes Brahms’ Lullaby. »


1. Scale B minor (scale, arpeggio).

2. F. Kreutzer Etude № 1,2.

3. A. Korchmarev «Spanish Dance.»

4. G. Henfel Sonata № 6 (Part 1).


1. Scale A minor (scale, arpeggio).

2. J. Mazas Etude № 7 (I. 22).

3. Sh. Dankeya «Variations on Bellini.»

4. K. Bohm, «Continuous movement».


1. 3-octave scale and arpeggios (triad, sixthchord, quartsextakkord, dominantsextakkord) with different strokes, as well as on 8,12,16 legato notes on the bow; double notes — thirds, sixths, octaves.

2. A. Nelka  Etude № 51 (D Minor) (I, 42)

3.  J.S.Bach  Concerto in C Minor, 1 p. or 2p. and 3 p.

4. P. Tchaikovsky «Sentimental Waltz» (11, 109)

5. L. Beethoven. «Minuet» (11, 63)


1. 3-octave scale and arpeggios (triad, sixthchord, quartsextakkord, dominantsextakkord) with different strokes, as well as on 8,12,16 legato notes on the bow; double notes — thirds, sixths, octaves.

2. F. Kummer  Etude № 9 (D Minor) (I, 42)

3. G. Golterman Concerto № 3, 1 p. or 2 p.and 3 p.

4. Fr. Veracini. Largo

5. M. Bukinik . Humoresque (11, 3)


1. 3-octave scale and arpeggios (triad, sixthchord, quartsextakkord, dominantsextakkord) with different strokes, as well as on 8,12,16 legato notes on the bow; double notes — thirds, sixths, octaves.

2. A. Nelka  Etude № 6 (A Major) (I, 42)

3.  L. Beethoven Theme with Variations

4. D. Popper Elegy

5. C. Cui. «Oriental Melody»


1. 3-octave scale and arpeggios (triad sixthchord, quartsextakkord, dominantsextakkord) with different strokes, as well as on 8,12,16 legato notes on the bow; double notes — thirds, sixths, octaves.

2. J. Duport Etude № 32 ( E minor) (I, 36)

3. B. Romberg Concerto № 2 1h.

4. D. Shostakovich. Adagio.

5. A. Ayvazyan. «Concert Etude»



1.Scale  to 2 signs,  of threeoctaves, double notes (thirds, sevenths, octaves).

2. R. Kreutzer Etudes  № № 2,5

3. Large form L. Beethoven «Sonatina» G-dur

4. Plays: R. Gliere’s «Waltz», P. Fiokko «Allegro»


1. Scale C-dur 3 octaves, double notes, up to 2 signs

2. R. Kreutzer Etudes  № № 1, 93.

3.Large form: Yu.Konyuch. Concert Part 1


1. G. Bezrukov Etude № 32 (1 p.)

2. A. Vivaldi Sonata  g-dur (II, 43)

3. P.I. Tchaikovsky «Sad song» (II, 46)


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«Orchestral wind and percussion instruments»

A solo performance of the program includes:

1. Scales and arpeggios in keys up to 3 signs.

2. Etude.

3. Two diverse pieces, or a part of a large form.

Recommended repertoire list:


1. Scales and arpeggios in keys up to 3 signs, inclusive.

2. Yu. Dolzhinov «Etudes for Flute. 1 — 5 form of Music School «(optional)

3. A. Vivaldi Concerto  G Major. Part II-III;

4. G.F. Handel  Sonata № 3 of the I-II;

5. J. Quantz  Concerto  G Major I part.



1. Scales and arpeggios in the key of up to 4 signs (major — minor).

2. G. Hemke Etude.

3. Modest Mussorgsky «Old Castle»

4. G. Sviridov » Musical Moment »

5. J.S. Bach «Minuet»


1. Scales and arpeggios in keys up to 3 — 4 signs (major — minor).

2. M. Mühl «Twenty-Four light Etudes » Etude № 10.

3. A. Scriabin «Prelude»

4. N. Baklanov «Melody»

5. S. Rachmaninov «Italian Polka»



1. Scales up to 3 signs.

2. Etudes: L.Wiedemann «37 Etudes for Oboe» (optional), J. Luft «24 Etudes»(Optional)

3. Plays: M. Glinka «Mazurka,» G. Handel «Larghetto»

4. A. Vivaldi Concerto  A Minor.


1. Scales up to 3 signs.

2.  J. Luft  «Etude».

3. A. Lyadov «Prelude.»

4. J. Loeillet  with Sonata c-dur.



1. Major and minor scales in keys up to 2 signs.

2. Etudes: R. Hoffmann «40 Etudes» (optional).

3. G. Handel «Sarabande.»

4. C. Saint-Saens  «The Swan».

5. A. Corelli «Courant», «Sarabande», «Gigue.»


1. Scales: major and minor in keys  up to 2 signs.

2. Etudes . Sat C. Rozanov «School of the clarinet» (optional).

3. G. Handel «Largo.»

4. A. Komarovsky «Shepherd.»


  1. Major and minor scales up to 3 signs.
  2. J. Arban «School of the trumpet.» Etude of choice.
  3. B. Asafiev «Scherzo.»

4. B. Schelokov «Children’s concert.»


1. Major and minor scales and arpeggios up to 3 signs.

2. Etude (optional) of sb. A. Mitronova «School of the trumpet.»

3. J. Haydn «Song.»

4. B. Marcello «Allegro» from Sonata № 3.


French horn

1. Major and minor scales, arpeggios in keys up to 2 signs.

2. F. Schollar Etude (optional).

3. M. Glinka «Aria Vanya» from the opera «Ivan Susanin», P. Tchaikovsky. «Sweet dreams.»




1. Major and minor scales and arpeggios in keys up to 3 signs.

2. Etudes Sat O.Blyum, B. Grigoriev (optional).

3. G.Handel «Tempest»; V. Murzin «March.»

4. B. Marcello «Andante» from Sonata  E Minor.


1. Major and minor scales and arpeggios in the key of up to 2 signs.

2. Etudes  Sat O.Blyum, B. Grigoriev (optional).

3. Plays: F. Mendelssohn «Song without words.»

4. P. Tchaikovsky «Old French Song»



1. Scales up to 2 signs, triads, arpeggios.

2. K. Kurinsky  Etude № 11.

3. L. Beethoven «Turkish March». Small sheep.


1. Trilogies, quartiles, with the acceleration of two, in different nuances.

2. K. Kupinsky Etude№ 12.

3. D. Paliyeva «Tarantella.»




Requirements for applicants during examinations in the specialty of the wind instruments (without musical education)


1. Sing song and play any instrument tonally pure, expressive and rhythmically (rated «Excellent»).

2. Sing a song (any). Accurately replicate the specified note on the piano.      Remember and repeat any given rhythmic pattern. (rated   «Good»)

3. Sing any song. Show musical ability, memory, sense of rhythm, depending on their mental and physical capabilities.      (rated «Satisfactory»).


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

» Folk Orchestra Instruments «

Solo performance program

 An applicant must fulfill the program corresponding to the level of the graduate music school,ArtSchool, which consists of 4 pieces. Approximate repertoire list:


Bayan — accordion

1. Polyphonic work, play with the elements of polyphony or Cantilena

2. Two, three, four-octave scales, arpeggios

3. Two plays by choice or large form

4. Arrangement of the folk music (melody)


Domra — balalaika – guitar

1. Play with the elements of polyphony or Cantilena

2. Two monophonic scales, arpeggios

3. Two plays by choice or large form

4. Arrangement of the folk music (melody)


A sample list of works for the entrance exams.

«Bayan — accordion»

  1. Polyphonic works:

Ow. Zolotarev «Prelude»

J.S. Bach «Gigue» «Gavotte» from French Suite № 6

Invention  A minor, B-flat major

«Sarabande»  D Minor

G. Handel «Lyargo»

Glinka Fugue  A Minor

R. Gliere «Prelude»

2. Abig form or by choice:

L. Beethoven Sonatina  C Major

D. Kabalevsky Sonatina A Minor

M. Clementi Sonatina

D. Shtembelt Sonatina  C Major

B. Kalinnikov «Sad Song»

A. Rubinstein «Melody»

A.Khachaturian «Andantino»

R. Schumann «Brave rider»

V. Fomenko «Playful Kitten»

  1. Kukubaev «Slow Dance»


3. Processing of folk dances or songs:

B. Motov «Near the river, near the bridge»

V. Ivanov, «Oh, you’re the hall»

G. Kovtun «I will scatter his grief»

P. Kulikov «wide street»

A. Surkov, «As our gate»

V.Vlasov «Oh, for tea, tea»


V. Andreev «scene from the ballet» (sample Troyanovsky)

A. Alyabyev «Nightingale»

Yu Shishakov «Rondo»

P. Necheporenko «Hour by hour » (sample)

A. Polka «I danced with midge» (sample)

A. Shalov «Fine rowan» (sample)

«The Guitar»

F. Molino «Sonatina»

W. Korbeytta «Sarabande»

L. Mipan «Pavane»

B. Galileo «Galliard»

J. Lozi «Little Suite»

A. Lyadov «Prelude»

Zh.Ramo «Minuet»

Rebliev «Oriental dance»

Ivanov-Kramskoi «I’m sitting on pebbles» (arr).

«In the field of birch stood» (sample)

«Quail» (sample)


J.S Bach «Minuet» from «French Suite» № 6

J.S Bach «Siciliana»

L. Beethoven «Adagio», «Minuet»

J. Rameau «Tambourine»

S.Taneev «Waltz»

P. Tchaikovsky «Song Without Words», «Barcarolle»

R.f.s.. arr. D. Aleksandrov, «I broke kalinushku»

R.f.s.. arr. A.Titov «As with Evenings rain»

R.f.s.. arr. Yu Shishakov «Dance tune», «How shall I go to the fast river»

R.f.s.. arr. B. Avrorova «Oh, night »


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«National Instruments peoples of Russia» »

Solo performance program (with music preparation)


An applicant must:     know the history and the legend of the origin of kurai works performed;

perform 2 different works: the long-drawn and kythka kei.

A sample list of the pieces:

The long-drawn          tune                                       March, kythka kei.

«Ural»,                                                                       «Salauat March»

«Buranbay»                                                                «PerovskiY»

«Selimekey»                                                               «Tsialkovsky»

«Zulhiza»                                                                   «Route»

«Handugas»                                                               «Kazan Algan March»

«Hyr»                                                                         «Igzakov»

«Sand uzek»                                                               «Mirfeyze»

«Tash Tugay»                                                             «Napoleon Bonaparte»

«Iles Gaysa»                                                               «Baybuldy koyzere»

«Abdrakhman»                                                          «Alty eget»


1. R. Rakhimov «Kurai», 1999.

2. F.Suleymanov «Kurai», 1985

3. F.Suleymanov «Kurai», 1970

4. K. Diyarov «Sal irandyk mondary» Ufa, 1988

5. M. Alkin «Bashkortton 100 iyry», 1992

6. M. Yamaletdinov «Hyzzyrt elements kuraiyndy»

7. R. Sulemanov «Halyk Bashkort mondary», Ufa, 1991

8. A. Kubagushev «Bashkort miles koraldary» Vatandash, 1996

A sample list of works:

The long-drawn tune                                                 march, Kythka kui

«Uyyl»                                                                       «Karabash»

«Hyr»                                                                         «ETE kyz»

«Abdrakhman»                                                          «Sonayym»

«Zahizulla»                                                                 «Lyubizar»

«Handugas»                                                               «Mower-thrasher»

«Synrau Thorne»                                                        «Igzakov»

«Azamat»                                                                   «Beye Koyo»

«Coloy konton»                                                         «Yengele Koyo»

«Ural»                                                                        «Bayyk»

«Ilse Faysa»                                                               «Salauat March»


1. R. Rakhimov «Kurai

2. Mr. Suleymanov «Kura» 1961

3. Mr. Suleymanov «Kura» 1970

4. G. Suleymanov «Kura» 1985

5. K. Diyarov «Sal uraldyn mondary» Ufa 1988

6. M. Alkin «Bashkort tone yyry 100», 1992

7. R. Suleymanov «Halyk Bashkort mondary» Ufa 1991

8. M. Yamaletdinov «hyzzart elements kurayyndy»

9. A.Kubagushev «Bashkort miles music karaldary» Vatandash 1996



  1. Two diverse pieces (piece cantilena nature and arrangement of the folk tune)
  2. Improvisation on Bashkir folk tunes
  3. Kubair

A list of recommended pieces:


1. R. Kasimov «Autumn Aghidel»

2. A. Gabdrakhmanov «Lyric Poem»

3. N. Sabitov «Bashkir folk tunes»

4. I. Khisamutdinov «Six horsemen »

5. A. Gabdrakhmanov «Burzian horsemen»

6. M. Akhmetov «Crane Song»

7. M. Valeev «Cuckoo»

8. R. Kasimov «Romance»

9. N. Sabitov «Melody»

10. H. Akhmetov «Romance»


1. Improvisation on Bashkir folk songs «Igzakov, copper heel and walking Mahmoud»

2. Improvisation on Bashkir folk songs «The Cuckoo»

3. Improvisation on Bashkir folk songs «khatira»

4. Improvisation on Bashkir folk songs «Karabay»

5. Improvisation on Bashkir folk songs «Yalsygul»


1. Dumbyram

2. Bala hag

3. Ay, Uraltau

4. Uyzarym

5. Alpamysha

6. Khan kizy

7. Bashkortostan

8. Kara Jürga

9. Bayyk

10. Akhak Cola


Specialty 073401 «Vocal Art»

Solo performance program consists of 2 rounds:

I tour: Solo singing. The applicant must fulfill  two works. Applicant gives a list of prepared works and executes them on the choice of the examination committee. The first tour has a qualifying nature.

It is recommended to perform:

— Russian folk songs

— Bashkir folk songs

— Songs and romances by Russian composers

— Songs and ballads of Bashkir composers

A sample list of works:

Russian folk songs:

«Oh, dear»


«Along the street blizzard sweeps»

«Fine rowan»


«Oh, frost, frost»

Bashkir folk tunes:



«Suk muyyl»

«Synrau Thorne»

«Caravan — saray»



Songs and romances by Russian composers:

  1. Varlamov «Red dress»

A. Dargomyzhsky «Youth and the Maiden»

A. Alyabyev «I see your image»

Songs and Romances of Bashkir composers

H. Akhmetov «Guzel Ofomi — bash Kalam», «Tyugan Aul»

T. Karimov «Aily kis»

N. Dautov «Bakir shishme», «Kyr kazzary»

R. Gazizov «Boz kitkende»

M. Valeev «Talya garmun», «Lilac seskelere»

R. Hasanov «Eseyeme iyr», «Yazmyshtarzan uzmyshtar»

Z. Ismagilov «Handugasym bylbylym», «Eseyeme»


II tour:

The applicant must fulfill two diverse works (one piece of the program can be repeated from the first round). The second piece on the proposed list of works.

Checking  performance data:

Applicants who do not have musical education should:

—  sing separately taken the piano sound;

—  repeat a musical phrase played by the examiner;

—  determine the number of sounds in tune (interval, chord) and reproduce the sound of voices from top to bottom or bottom to top;

— Play a rhythmic pattern played by the examiner piece of music (up period);

Applicants with musical education must (except for the above tasks):

— Intone natural major and minor scales;

— Identify by ear interval or chord.


Specialty 073403 «Folk singing»


Applicant must perform three works by choice of examination committee:

— A folk song, preferably ozon-kui;

— The piece of any of the composer;

— The piece by choice (folk song Kythka kui, song, etc.).

Approximate repertoire list:

Bashkir folk songs:


«Shawl  knitting»



«Synrau Thorne»

«Tunerek culture»



Works of Bashkir composers:

M. Valeev «Talian garmuny», «Lilac seskelere», «Kubelek»

N. Dautov «Bakyr shishme», «Tirek»

T. Karimov «Aily kis»

R. Khasanov «Eseyeme iyr», «Yazmyshtarzan uzmyshtar»

Interview: identifies general education of students.

Checking the music data.

Applicants who do not have musical education should:

—  sing separately taken the piano sound;

— Just to repeat a musical phrase played by the examiner;

—  determine the number of sounds in tune (interval, chord) and reproduce the sound of voices from top to bottom or bottom to top;

— Play a rhythmic pattern played by the examiner piece of music (up period);

Applicants with musical education  must (except for the above tasks):

— Intone natural major and minor scales;

— Identify by ear intervals and chords.













Specialty 073502  «Choral Conducting»

Performing training

1) Execution of two vocal diverse works

2) Performance of piece a capella (3/4, 4/4, 2/4)

— Playing the piano

— conducting

Approximate repertoire list by specialty:

1. R.f.s. «How shall I go to the  fast river»

2. Music by. V. Smyslov, words by. N. Suslennikova «Homeland»

3 R.f.s.  record by Blagoobrazova

4. R.f.s. «And I walked across the meadow»

5. R.f.s. arr. A. Grechaninov «In raw forest tropine»


Setting of voice

1. F. Abt Vocalize № 1-8

2. T.Kjui «Spring Song»

3. Johannes Brahms, «Oh, dear maid!»

4. M. Partskhaladze «Holy Spring»

5. American cowboy «Native outlook’


General cultural and musical performance training

Interview — answers to questions related to the executed works:

— Information about  the life and work of the composer and the author of the words of the work performed

— Contemporaries of the composer, lyricist

— Russian folk song: its origins, genres.

— Questions on literature, history of executable composer’s piece, lyricist

— Choirs and choral conductors


Admission to OPOP specialty 073002 «Music Theory» 073101 «Instrumental Performance» (by type of instrument), 073 502 «Choral Conducting,» 073403 «Solo and choral folk singing,» is subject to the applicant possession of knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of musical school graduates, Art school.

Specialty 073002 «Music Theory»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Writing tasks involves writing in the form of monophonic dictation period length 8-12 measures. Time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

Intonational and rhythmic difficulties:

A) Different types of major and minor, and modulation intonal chromatism, variations in tonality,  the First-degree relatives, and modulating tonal sequences;

B) dotted rhythm, rhythmic group with sixteenths, triplets, syncopes.

Before playing  a dictation an examiner announces the tonality and setting given in this key. Dictation is played for 12-14 times in 25-30 minutes.

Oral tasks:

A) Sight-reading monophonic musical examples from a preliminary analysis of its structure, in time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

B)  sing and identify by ear: three types of major and minor keys, modes of folk music.

Sing and  determine intervals outside the  mode: triads (major and minor with inversions, augmented and diminished triads in the main form), seventh chords (minor major with inversions,  small minor, small with diminished fifth, reduced in mainly form). Tonal restructuring based on triads and their inversions, as well as small-seventh chord with a diminished fifth.

The task  to read and write music:

1. Know the adopted rules and signs notation literal title sounds, the name of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Know the basic types of meters. To be able to produce a grouping of durations in simple and complex beats.

4. Know the circle of fifths, parallel, and tonalities of the same name.

5. Play the piano (calling sounds) any major and minor scales of 3 types, modes of  folk music. Name the key signs of any major and minor tonality, accidentals of  harmonic and melodic major and minor, marks tonalities. On the given note of the scale (primary or collateral) to determine the tonic major or minor key.

6. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, major, minor, tritones, typical). Enharmonically replace the interval, to allow dissonant intervals into consonant.

7. In the tonality of harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented or diminished intervals 9tritones) and  allow them.

8. Build from a given sound and tonality chords; triads  (minor, major, augmented and diminished) major and minor sextakkords and quartsextakkords, D7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords  in the key and the sound to be able to allow D7 and its inversion and introductory seventh chords.

9. Read the harmonic scales of major and minor, to  determine the related key.

The oral examination is passed  by ticket only.

Applicants write the work on the music theory  which includes:

1. The example on the transposition

2. The construction from the given sound of intervals and chords

3. Definition and construction of intervals and chords in the key

4. The construction of major and minor chromatic scale

While writing for 45 minutes.

In the Speciality «Music Theory» applicants take an exam in musical  literature. Examination requirements for this subject are set in the amount of program of the musical literature of the seven-years musical school.

Applicants must describe the biography of the composer,  analyse  music, identify by ear 6-8 excerpts from the works passed.

A requirement is knowledge of the musical life of the country and the republic, major historical events, the presence of  certain knowledge of culture and art.

Oral response on the ticket.

Ticket №1

1.The life and work of J.S. Bach.

2.»Well-Tempered Clavier»


Ticket № 2.

1. The life and work of J.Haydn

  1. Symphony № 103


Ticket № 3

  1. Life and Works of A.Mozart
  2. Symphony № 40


Ticket № 4

1. Life and Works of L. Beethoven

2. Symphony № 5


Ticket № 5

  1. Life and Works of Franz Schubert


Ticket №  6

1. Life and Works of F.Chopin

2. Polonaise and Mazurka


Ticket № 7

1. The life and work of M.M. Glinka

2. Opera «Ivan Susanin»


Ticket № 8

1. The life and work of A.P. Borodin

2. Opera Prince Igor »


Ticket № 9

1. The life and work of A. Dargomizhsky

2. Opera «Rusalka»


Ticket № 10

1. The life and work of P.I. Tchaikovsky

2. Opera «Eugene Onegin»


Ticket № 11

1. The life and work of N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov

2. Opera «Snow Maiden»



Ticket № 12

1. Life and Works of S.S. Prokofiev

2. Cantata «Alexander Nevsky»


Ticket№ 13

1. The life and work D.D. Shostakovich

2. Symphony № 7 part 1


1. The life and work of the composer

— Years of life, the country the composer belongs to

— Historical era or artistic directions, to which belongs his work

— Composer’s outstanding contemporaries

— Periods of life and work

— Main works, main genres

2. Characteristics of music

— Genre of the piece

— Performing staff

— The structure of the work: the number of parts in sonata, symphony: actions in opera, ballet; numbers in  cantata, a vocal cycle.

— The idea (or content) of the work, the range of images; the plot, the author of the text for  vocal works, the literary source for operas

— Describe the main musical themes of the work, specifying the means of musical expression.


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»


Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:

in   Solfeggio

1. Write a monophonic musical dictation in volume 8-12  measures  in  major or minor key, with a simple rhythm and chromaticisms; the time signature 2/4, 3/4, 4/4; it is  dictated for 12-14 times in 25 — 30 minutes, rhythmic difficulties: simple forms of syncopes, triplets, doted notes, sixteenth, before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key.

2. Sing in the key of:

— Three types of major or minor scales

— Steps, intervals with resolution (diatonic, characteristic, tritones)

— Chords (triads of the main stages and their inversions, dominant D7 with inversion  and appeals, VII 7 with inversion and resolution, II 7 with inversions)

3. Determine by ear three major and minor keys, modes of folk music, intervals and chords from the  sound and in tonality

4. Sight — sing an unknown melody with conducting in the time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In Music theory

1. Know the adopted rules and signs notation,  letter names of sounds, the names of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Know the basic types of meters. To be able to produce a grouping of durations in simple measures.

4. Know the circle of fifths, parallel, and tonalities of the same name.

5. Play the piano (calling sounds) any major and minor scales of 3 types, modes of  folk music. Name the key signs of any major and minor keys, accidentals of  harmonic and melodic major and minor keys, marks tonalities. By the given step of the  scale (main or incidental) to determine the tonic of major or minor key.

6. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, major, minor, tritones, typical). Enharmonically replace the interval, to allow dissonant intervals into consonant.

7. In the tonality of harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented or diminished intervals 9tritones) and  allow them.

8. Build from a given sound and tonality chords; triads  (minor, major, augmented and diminished) major and minor sextakkords and quartsextakkordsand , D7. To be able to allow D7 with  inversions and introductory seventh chords.

9. Read chromatic  scales of major and minor, to  determine the related key.


The oral examination is passed  by tickets only.


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«Orchestral string instruments»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:

in Solfeggio

  1. Write monophonic musical dictation in the length  of 8-12 measures. Time signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4;

Intonational  and rhythmic difficulties:

— Various kinds of major and minor, with a simple diatonic rhythm and chromaticism;

— Dotted rhythm, the rhythmic group, with sixteenths, triplets, syncopes.

Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-30 minutes.

2. Sing in the key of:

— Three types of major and minor scales

— Steps, intervals with an inversion (diatonic characteristic, tritones)

— Chords (triads, VII7 with inversions  and appeals, II with inversions);

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above

3. Determine by ear 3 types of major and minor, modes of  folk music, intervals and chords from the sound and in the key

4. Sight-reading monophonic musical examples from a preliminary analysis of its structure with conducting, in time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

in musical theory

1. Know the adopted rules and signs notation,  letter names of sounds, the names of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Know the basic types of meters. To be able to produce a grouping of durations in simple measures.

4. Know the circle of fifths, parallel, and tonalities of the same name.

5. Play the piano (calling sounds) any major and minor scales of 3 types, modes of  folk music. Name the key signs of any major and minor keys, accidentals of harmonic and melodic major and minor keys, marks tonalities. By the given step of the scale (main or incidental) to determine the tonic of major or minor key.

6. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, major, minor, tritones, typical). Enharmonically replace the interval, to allow dissonant intervals into consonant.

7. In the tonality of harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented or diminished intervals 9tritones) and  allow them.

8. Build from a given sound and tonality chords; triads  (minor, major, augmented and diminished) major and minor sextakkords and quartsextakkordsand , D7. To be able to allow D7 with  inversions and introductory seventh chords.

9. Read chromatic  scales of major and minor, to  determine the related key.


The oral examination is passed  by tickets only.


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«Orchestral wind and percussion instruments»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

1. write monophonic musical dictation in the length of 8 measures. Time signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4;

Intonational  and rhythmic difficulties:

— Various kinds of major and minor;

— rhythmic groups with sixteenths, dotted quarter with  eighth, dotted eighth and sixteenth, syncope.

Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-30 minutes.

2. Sing in the key of:

— Three types of major or minor scale;

— Steps, intervals with a resolution of (perfect, minor and major);

— Chords (triads and the main stages of their inversion, V 7 with inversion and resolution);

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above

3. Determine by ear 3 types of major and minor, modes of  folk music, intervals and chords of sound and tonality.

4. Sight — sing an unknown melody with conducting in the time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

in musical theory

1. Know the signs and rules of adopted notation, the letter name of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, minor, major, tritones).

4. In tonalities of  harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented and diminished intervals  and resolve them.

5. Build in the key major triads and their inversions,D7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.

6. Build from a given sound up and down major and minor chords with inversions, D7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.


The oral examination is passed by tickets only.

Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«Orchestra folk instruments»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

  1. — write a monophonic musical dictation in the amount of 8 measures, time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

— Intonational  and rhythmic difficulties:

— Various kinds of major and minor;

— Rhythmic groups with sixteenths, dotted quarter and eighth, dotted eighth and sixteenth, syncopes.

Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-35 minutes.

2.   Sing in tonality:

— Three types of major or minor scale;

— Steps, intervals with an inversion of (perfect, minor, major).

— Chords (triads of the main stages and their inversion, V7 with inversions and resolution).

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above.

3. Determine  3 types of major and minor, modes of  folk music, intervals and chords from the  sound and in tonality.

4. Sight-sing an unknown melody with conducting in time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In musical theory

1. Know the signs and rules of adopted notation,  major and minor tonalities, the letter name of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, minor, major, tritones).

4. In tonalities of  harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented and diminished intervals  and resolve them.

5. Build in the key major triads and their inversions, V7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.

6. Build from a given sound up and down major and minor chords with inversions, V7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.

The oral examination is passed by tickets only.


Specialty 073101 «Instrumental Performance»

«Bashkir folk instruments»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

  1. — write a monophonic musical dictation in the amount of 8 measures, time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

— Intonational  and rhythmic difficulties:

— Various kinds of major and minor;

— Rhythmic groups with sixteenths, dotted quarter and eighth, dotted eighth and sixteenth, syncopes.

Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-35 minutes.

2.   Sing in tonality:

— Three types of major or minor scale;

— Steps, intervals with an inversion of (perfect, minor, major).

— Chords (triads of the main stages and their inversion, D7 with inversions and resolution).

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above.

3. Determine  3 types of major and minor, modes of  folk music, intervals and chords from the  sound and in tonality.

4. Sight-sing an unknown melody with conducting in time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In musical theory

1. Know the signs and rules of adopted notation, the letter name of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, minor, major, tritones).

4. In tonalities of  harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented and diminished intervals  and resolve them.

5. Build in the key major triads and their inversions, D7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.

6. Build from a given sound up and down major and minor chords with inversions, D7 and its inversion, introductory seventh chords.

The oral examination is passed by tickets only.




Specialty 073403 «Solo Folk singing»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

1. Write a monophonic musical dictation in the amount of 8 bars in 30 minutes, time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4; natural Major, natural, harmonic and melodic types of minor, smooth motion of melody and the movement on sounds of chords and sequences; rhythmic groups: half of the fourth, eighth in different combinations, dotted rhythm (dotted quarter and the eighth). Dictated for 12 times. Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-35 minutes.

2. Sing in the key

— Three types of major or minor scales

— Steps, intervals with an inversion (perfect, minor, major)

— Chords (triads of the main stages and their inversion, V7 with inversions and resolution).

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above.

3. Determine  by ear 3 types of major and minor, modes of  folk music, intervals and chords from the  sound and in tonality.

4. Sight-sing an unknown melody with conducting in time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In musical theory

1. Know the signs and rules of adopted notation, major and minor tonalities, the  name of octaves on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Build and define the intervals within the octave (perfect, minor, major, tritones).

4. In tonalities of  harmonic major and minor name or play the piano augmented and diminished intervals  and resolve them.

5. Build in the key major triads and their inversions, D7 and its inversion.

6. Build from a given sound up and down major and minor chords with inversions, D7 and its inversion.

The oral examination is passed by tickets only.


Specialty 073502 «Choral Conducting»

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

1. Write a monophonic musical dictation in the amount of 8 bars in major or minor key, with a simple rhythm and chromatisms: time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4 rhythm difficulties: simple types of syncopes, triplets, dotted notes, sixteenth. . Before playing the dictation examiner  announces the tonality setting the tone and gives in this key. Dictation is played for  12-14 times in 25-35 minutes.

2. Sing in the tonality of:

— Three kinds of major or minor scale.

-Steps,  intervals with an inversion (diatonic characteristic, tritones)

— Chords (triads and the main stages of their inversion, D7 with inversion and resolution, VII7 with inversion and resolution, II7 with inversions)

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above.

3. Determine by ear three types of major and minor keys, modes of folk music, intervals and chords from the sound and in tonality.

4. Sight-sing a strange melody with conducting in time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In musical theory

1. Know the adopted rules and signs notation, letter names of sounds, acts on the piano keyboard.

2. To be able to play the piano music written in treble and bass clef.

3. Know the basic types of meters. To be able to produce a grouping of durations in simple measures.

4. Know the circle of fifths of tonalities, parallel, and tonalities of the same name.

5. Play the piano (calling sounds) any major or minor scale of 3 types, modes of folk music. Name the key signatures of any major and minor tonality, accidentals harmonic major and minor keys, marks tonalities. By the given  stage of the scale (main or incidental) to determine the tonic major or minor key.

6. Build and determine intervals within the octave (perfact, tritons, minor, major, typical). Replace the given interval, to allow dissonant intervals into consonant .

7. In tonalities of  harmonic minor and major name or play the piano augmented or diminished intervals and resolve them.

8. Build chords  from the given  sound and tonality:

triads (minor, major, augmented, diminished), major and minor sextakkords and quartsextakkords, introductory sextakkords.

9. Read chromatic major and minor scales, to determine the related key.

The oral examination is passed by tickets only.


Specialty 07 4303 «Choral folk singing «

Solfeggio and musical theory:

Applicants must:                                In  Solfeggio

1. Write a monophonic musical dictation in the length of 8 -10 bars in the dictation can meet

-time signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4

— Various kinds of major and minor keys, modal variability, sequences;

— Dotted rhythm, rhythmic group with sixteenths, triplets, syncopes.

Before playing dictation announced tone and setting given in this key. Dictation is played for 12-14 times in 25-30 minutes.

2. Sing in the tonality of:

— Three kinds of major or minor scale.

-Steps,  intervals with an inversion (diatonic characteristic, tritones)

— Chords (triads of the main stages of their inversion, D7 with inversion and resolution)

— From the sound up and down certain intervals and chords above.

3. Determine by ear three types of major and minor keys, modes of folk music, intervals and chords from the sound and in tonality.

4. Sight-sing an unknown melody with conducting in time signatures  2/4, 3/4, 4/4.

In musical theory

  The task of the musical theory contains questions  on one of the following topics:

— the circle of fifths;

— The types of major and minor;

— Building of passed intervals and chords from the  sound and tonal definition, in which they meet;

— The musical syntax of the period, phrase, sentence, cadence, caesura.


The oral examination is passed by tickets only.











Specialty 072601 «Arts and crafts »


Still life from life runs from 2-3 everyday objects are simple in form and 2 drapery of local color. Materials: watercolor paper — size A3, watercolor («Leningrad», «Neva»), pencils (HB, B), Eraser (soft, crayon), brushes (weasel, squirrel, round № 2, 6, 10).

Deadline: 8 hours of training.

Tasks :

1) A composite image resolution in the specified format.

2) Construction of objects on a plane to transfer perspectives.

3) The correct determination of the proportions of subjects depicted in the drawing.

4) Pass the color and tonal relationships between objects and fabrics.



Executed still life from life of 3 subjects and 2 drapery of different tone, neutral color. One of the subjects of still life can be a geometric figure.

Materials: paper — size A3, pencils (HB, B, 2B), Eraser (soft, crayon).

Deadline: 8 hours of training.

Tasks :

1) A composite image resolution in the specified format.

2) Construction of objects on a plane to transfer perspectives.

3) The correct determination of the proportions of subjects depicted in the drawing

4) Proper use of colors in the image transmission of subjects still life in space.



The compositional sheet «Geometric pattern» («closed» or rapportnaya layout) is performed. The main forming elements:  triangle, circle, rectangle, square, line, strip, etc.

Materials: drawing paper or watercolor paper — size A3, gouache art («Gamma», «Sonnet») or watercolor («Leningrad», «Neva»), pencils (HB, B), Eraser (soft, crayon), brushes ( synthetic flat and round or weasel, squirrel, round № 2, 6, 10).

Deadline: 8 hours of training.

Tasks :

1) Elaboration  fore sketches of ornament in a graphical composition. Identification of plastic  motive  of geometric ornament.

2) Proper identification of groups represented by geometric proportions elements in the ornament.

3) A composite image resolution in the specified format.

4) Color solution of ornamental composition



Specialty 071501 «Folk art»



Admission tests are conducted in two rounds.

     Round 1

— Determination of physical data of applicant (flexibility of legs and hip, instep, «dance step» jump, etc.);

— Basic knowledge of classical and folk dance (at the bench and in the middle) or modern dance.

Round 2

— Determination of Creative and Performing abilities of  applicants: artistry, dance skills (presentation prepared by applicant dance , delivered in any genre of choreographic art: folk, modern or ballet, no more than 2-2.5 minutes)

— Musicality, ability to improvise, rhythm, performance of creative tasks given by the members of the examination committee.

The following   qualities are evaluated by :

  • Physical and professional data;

• Musicality;

• theatrical expressiveness;

• co-ordination;

• perception and mastering of dancing material;

• mastery;

• The ability to compose dances.



071801 Social and cultural activities

«The organization and staging of cultural — events and theatrical performances»

Entrance examination in the specialty has 2 rounds.

In the first round  the applicant must:

— Read the poem (a fable, a passage of prose)

— Arguments to justify the motives of career choice

— Testing (to know Russian, Soviet, Bashkir literature, culture and art)

— To demonstrate the intellectual and cultural level

In the second round, applicants must demonstrate their creative skills (by choice):

— Perform vocals piece

— Perform a dance or a plastic composition

— play  any musical instrument

— Perform the proposed by examiner acting exercises.













Entry Requirements of the  examination in Russian language

(For applicants on the basis of grade 9)


The entrance exam is conducted in the Russian language in the form of a dictation without tasks. Introductory volume dictation on average 160-180 words, including utilities.

Texts for dictation, as a rule, are complete passages from literary works or separate story narrative.

The text is read three times. During the first reading of the text is heard in full. During the second — enterers write, in the third — check the written.

The main objects of inspection are the following knowledge and skills:

• Knowledge of the basic rules of spelling and punctuation,

• the ability to quickly navigate and correctly apply the accumulated knowledge of the rules,

• the ability to distinguish between emotional text, enter the context of dictation, understood sense dominant proposals.

• knowledge of the theory of the Russian language within the following programs:



o The concept of orphogramme.

o The use of the letter ь to indicate soft consonants.

o Separation ъ and ь.

o The letters з and с at the end of the prefixes to —p (c)

o vowel  e — and prefixes пре-and при-.

o Spelling of checked vowels and consonants in the root of the word,

o spelling of  unpronounced consonants in the root of the word.

o alternating vowels оа in the roots горгар, коскас, ложлаг,росраст

o alternating vowels e —и the roots мермир, дердир и других

o Copulative o — e in compound words.

o Spelling of vowel in  case endings of nouns.

o The letters о and e after sibilants and ц in the endings of nouns.

o The letter e in the suffix-ен in nouns on-мя;

o o and e after sibilants in suffixes of  nouns онк, —онок, —енок, —ок.

o The letters e and и and the suffix-ек,-ик.

o Distinction in writing of consonant in the suffix—чик-(щик)

o Capital letter in proper nouns and in proper title.

o Spelling of  vowels in case endings of adjectives.

o The letters о and e after sibilant in the endings of adjectives

o H and HH in suffixes of adjectives ан-(-ян), —ин-, —они— (-енн-)

o Distinction in writing of suffixes-к-and-ск

o Spelling of vowels in  endings of cardinal numerals.

o The use of ь in the middle and at the end of numerals,

o Spelling  of vowels in personal endings of verbs.

o The letter ь at  the end of verbs after sibilants,

o The distinction in writing-тся, — ться

o The vowels in suffixes of verb ова-(-ева),-ыва(-ива)

o. Soft sign in verbs of the imperative,

o Spelling of vowels in case endings of participles.

o Spelling of vowels in suffixes of  real and passive participles.

o H and HH in suffixes of complete and short participles.

o Distinction of о and а  at the end of adverbs.

o Soft sign at the end of adverbs ending in a sibilant.



o fused and hyphens  spelling of words with пол.

o hyphen in compound adjectives.

o The hyphen in the pronouns with the suffixes-то, — либо, -нибудь and prefix кое

o hyphens  writing  of adverbs.

o hyphen in prepositions  изза, изпод.

o hyphen in interjections.


Orphogrammes — fused and separate writing

o Separate writing of prepositions with pronouns

o fused and separate writing of adverbs.

o fused and separate writing of prepositions (в течении, ввиду and  etc.).

o fused and separate writing of conjunctions.

o The difference between conjunctions зато, тоже, чтобы from the  pronouns with prepositions and particles;

o the difference of the conjunction также from  adverbs with the particle.

o не with nouns.

o не  with adjectives.

o не and ни  pronouns.

не with the verb.

o не with participles.

o не  with  gerund.

o не and ни in  adverbs

o не with adverbs in-o (e),

o fused and separate writing of  particles не  and ни  with different parts of speech.



o dash between subject and predicate.

o A comma between similar  articles in a sentence.

o The colon and dash when in generalizing words in the  sentences with similar articles.

o Punctuation in addressing.

o punctuation with parenthesis  and sentences.

o punctuation in sentences with interjections. I

o punctuation at isolated, secondary and subdivision of the sentence.

o the distinguishing by  Comma comparative turn.

o punctuation in sentences with direct speech.

o punctuation when quoting.

o A comma between parts of compound sentence.

o The comma between the main and subordinate clauses.

o punctuation in  conjunctionless complex sentence.



The stylistics and cultural speech

o The concept of style.

o Styles of the Russian language and its features.


Typical dictations:


По временам звуки усиливались, вырастали, крепли. Лицо музыканта делалось странно суровым. Он как будто сам удивлялся новой и для него силе этих неожиданных мелодий и ждал еще чего-то…Казалось, вот-вот несколькими ударами все это сольется в стройный поток могучей и прекрасной гармонии, и в такие минуты слушатели замирали от ожидания. Но, не успев подняться, мелодия вдруг падал с каким-то жалобным ропотом, точно волна, рассыпавшаяся в пену и брызги, и  еще долго звучали, замирая, ноты горького недоумения и вопроса.

Слепой смолкал на минуту, и опять в гостиной стояла тишина, нарушаемая только шепотом листьев в саду. Обаяние, овладевавшее слушателями и уносившее их далеко за эти скромные стены, разрушалось, и маленькая комната сдвигалась вокруг них, и ночь глядела к ним в темные окна, пока, собравшись с силами, музыкант не ударял вновь по клавишам.

И опять звуки крепли и искали чего-то, подымаясь в своей полноте выше, сильнее. В неопределенный перезвон и говор аккордов вплетались мелодии народной песни, звучавшей то любовью и грустью, то воспоминанием о минувших страданиях и славе, то молодою удалью разгула и надежды. Это слепой пробовал вылить свое чувство в готовые и хорошо знакомые формы.


(186 слов)


Ручей выбежал из глухого леса на поляну и в открытых теплых лучах солнца разлился широким плесом. Тут вышел из воды первый желтый цветок, и, как соты, лежала икра лягушек, такая слепая, что через прозрачные ячейки просвечивали черные головастики. Тут же над самой водой носились во множестве голубоватые мушки величиной почти с блоху, и тут же падали в воду, откуда-то вылетали и падали, и  в этом, кажется, и была их короткая жизнь. Блестящий, как медный, завертелся на тихой воде жучок водяной, и наездник скакал во все стороны и не шевелил даже воду. Лимонница,  большая и яркая, летала над тихой водой.

Что такое случилось с ручьем? Половина воды отдельным ручьем пошла в сторону, другая половина в другую. Может быть, в  борьбе своей за веру в свое «рано ли, поздно ли» вода разделилась: одна вода говорила, что вот этот путь раньше приведет к цели, другая в другой стороне увидела короткий путь, и  так они разошлись, и обежали большой круг, и заключили большой остров между собой, и опять вместе радостно сошлись и поняли: нет разных дорог для воды, все пути рано ли, поздно ли непременно приведут ее в океан.


(187 слов)

Entry Requirements of the examination in Russian language

(For applicants on the basis of grade 11)


The entrance exam is conducted in the Russian language in such written forms as test with different variants.

Every variant is a complex task on the Russian language with all divisions of the Russian language (Phonetics, morphology, grammar, lexics, syntaxes).


The maximum number of points is 100 points

21-19 questions is 100 points

18-15 questions is 80 points

14-11 questions is 60 points

10-8 questions is 30 points

7-1 question is 10 points

The minimum number of points corresponds to the minimum         number of points of USE of the secondary (full) education.


An approximate task of one of the variants.

  1. In what word a letter of accented vowel is distinguished correctly?





  1. Indicate an example with a mistake in the forming of the word form.

1)самый сладчайший

2)сыплешь крупу

3)веселых свадеб

4) несколько баклажанов

  1. Indicate the sentence with grammatical mistake

1)Я прочитал рецензию на пьесу А.П. Чехова «Вишневый сад»

2)Мы любим и гордимся творениями А.П. Чехова

3)По прибытии в Мелихово писатель активно занялся созданием библиотеки.

4)Чехов помогал нуждающимся больным и деньгами, и советами.

  1. In what line in all the words unstressed root vowel is omitted?

1)р…скошный, р…стовщик, гр…за

2)прис…гать, покл…ниться, з…ря

3)арб…траж, спец…алист, л…гушка

4)в…рона, привл…кательность, раст…лковать

  1. In what line in all the words one and the same letter is omitted?

1)под…рвать, пр…родитель, п…знать

2)с…митировать, меж…гровой, без…мянный

3)пр…тензии, пр…образованный, пр…восходный

4)ни…посланный, сни..хождение, ни…вергнуть

  1. Indicate an example of the mistake in word –combination

1)овладеть умением петь

2)обратился к нему

3)уделить внимание на игрушки

4)не скрывать свое счастье

  1. In what sentence не with the words is writing separately?

1)(Не) возможно быть трусом в условиях (не) воли

2)Щуря (не)привыкшие к солнцу глаза и (не)веря в освобождение, люди выходили из подвала.

3)(Не)сколько часов назад такое событие показалось бы (не)вероятным.

4)Помощи ждать было (не)(от)куда, и узники (не)верили в своё спасение.

  1. Indicate the sentence in which it is necessary to put a comma

1)Чайковский без остатка отдал свое сердце лесам и деревушкам России околицам тропинкам и песням.

2)Творение художников – северян простонародны и бесхитростны по композиции голосисты и одновременно скромны по своим краскам.

9– 20 The work with the text.


The requirements to the level of enterer’s training.

To pass the entrance examination on the Russian language it’s necessary:

To know

—          The main units and levels of the language, their signs and correlation;

—          Orphoepic, lexical, grammatical, orthographical and punctuation standards of the modern Russian language;

—          The standards of speech conduct in social-cultural, educational-scientific, officially business-like spheres of communication;

To be able to

—           Analyse linguistical units from the point of their correct, exact and proper use;

—           Distinguish the breach of literary standards in written text;

—          Use in practice the knowledge of the main standards of literary Russian language.


The main contents of the entrance examinations

  1. I.                   Phonetics. Phonology. Graphics. Spelling. Orthoepy.
  2. Articulated and acoustic signs of vowels and consonants in the phonetic system of the Russian language. Phonetic correlation of vowels and consonants.
  3. 2.      Orthoepy. Pronounced standards of the modern Russian literary language: the standards of accent and pronunciation of sounds and sound-combination.
  4. 3.      The Russian graphics. Letter, graphical syllable  as the main units of graphics. The classification of writing Russian letters. The syllable principle of Russian graphics and deviation from it.


II   Lexicology. Phraseology.  Lexicography.





























Entry Requirements of the  examination in Literature

(For applicants on the basis of grade 9)


The entrance exam is conducted in Literature in the form of oral examination and includes three stages: preparation to the oral answering the questions of card (20-25 min.), direct answering the questions (15-20 min.) and answering the complete questions of the entrance committee (also in the case if there wasn’t a full answer to the question). The structure of the main examination questions reflects logic, principle stages of the Russian literary process of the last two centuries and  directs the enterer to the wide reach of problems, that determines the matter of the creating work of the greatest native poets and prosaists. Every examination card has two questions: the first is about the theory of literature, the second is about the works of writers and poets of XVIII-XIX. The line of examination questions are “by enterer’s choice”, this allows to focus in the literary material that is closed to him.

The basis of the literary list includes works studying in the elder forms. Besides there are some artistic texts mastered in the average forms that allows fully imagine   the creative work of classics of the native literature.


Elements of the content being tested on the exam in Literature.

I. Main theoretical and literary concepts:

1) literature as an art expression

2)      artistic image

3)      folklore, folklore genres

4)      literary genres and generations

5)      major literary directions

6)      form and content of a literary work

7)      language of art

8)      prose and poetry, poetry foundation


II. Russian folklore.

1)      Russian folk tales (magic, home, animals — one tale), one epic by choice.

2)      of ancient literature:

3)      «The word about Igor’s  regiment»

4)      three works of different genres by choice


III. From Russian literature of XVIII

1)      M.V. Lomonosov «Ode on the day of the ascension to the Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Elizabeth, 1747

2)      D.I.Fonvizin. comedy «Ignoramus”

3)      G.R. Derzhavin. Poem: «Monument», «Rulers and sudiyam»


1. Word as the basic unit of language nominative. Particular lexical and grammatical meaning of the word.

2. Lexical-semantic categories: ambiguity, unambiguity, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, paronymy.

3. Phraseology as a branch of lexicology. The concept of phraseology, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings.

4. Typology of dictionaries. Orthologic basic dictionaries of modern Russian.

5. Lexical rules and lexical errors (pleonasm, tautology, violation Collocations.

III. Morphemics. Word-building.

Modern word-building rules.

IV. Morphology.

1. Grammatical meaning and its difference from the lexical and word-formation. Grammatical forms and categories.

2. Parts of speech as grammatical classes of words, their main features. System of parts of speech in modern Russian: traditional classification.

3. Noun as a part of speech. Lexical and grammatical classes of nouns (proper, common nouns, concrete, abstract, collective, real): semantics and grammatical properties. Categories of gender, number and case of nouns.

4. Declension of nouns: types of declension paradigm.

5. Adjective as a part of speech. Lexical and grammatical classes of adjectives. Category of the degrees of comparison. Full and short forms of qualitative adjectives. Declension of adjectives.

6. Numerals as a part of speech. Lexical and grammatical classes of numerals: the structure and characteristics. Declension of numerals.

7. Pronoun as a part of speech. Principles of classification of pronouns. Characteristics of the main lexical and grammatical classes of pronouns. Declension of pronouns.

8. Verb as a part of speech. The system forms the Russian verb: infinitive, conjugated and unconjugated forms. Foundations and verb classes. Verbal categories: type, time, mood, voice. Verb tenses.

9. Participle and verbal adverb of modern Russian language. Semantics, grammar signs, formation.

10. Auxiliary parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions, particles, interjections (formation, structure, meaning, use).

11. Grammatical rules (the rules of formation of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs, participles and verbal participles)

V. Syntax. Punctuation.


Entry Requirements of the  examination in LIterature

(For applicants on the basis of grade 11)


The entrance exam is conducted in Literature in the form of oral examination and includes three stages: preparation to the oral answering the questions of card (20-25 min.), direct answering the questions (15-20 min.) and answering the complete questions of the entrance committee (also in the case if there wasn’t a full answer to the question). The structure of the main examination questions reflects logic, principle stages of the Russian literary process of the last two centuries and  directs the enterer to the wide reach of problems, that determines the matter of the creating work of the greatest native poets and prosaists. Every examination card has two questions: the first is about the theory of literature, the second is about the works of writers and poets of XIX-XX. The line of examination questions are “by enterer’s choice”, this allows to focus in the literary material that is closed to him.

The basis of the literary list includes works studying in the elder forms.


Elements of the content being tested on the exam in Literature.

I. Main theoretical and literary concepts:

1) literature as an art expression

2)      artistic image

3)      folklore, folklore genres

4)      literary genres and generations

5) major literary directions

6)form and content of a literary work

7)language of art

8) prose and poetry, poetry foundation

II. Russian folklore.

1)Russian folk tales (magic, home, animals — one tale), one epic by choice.

2)of ancient literature:

3)«The word about Igor’s  regiment»

4)three works of different genres by choice

III. From Russian literature of the second  half of XIX.

A.N.Ostrovskiy. One play  by choice.

I.S.Turghenev. One story  by choice.

N.M.Karamzin. The story “Poor Liza”


IV. From the Russian literature of the first half of XIX.


1)      I.A. Krylov. Fables.

2)      V.A. Zhukovskiy. Poems: “Море”, «Невыразимое»; ballads: «Светлана», «Лесной царь».

3)      A.S. Griboedov. Comedy «Горе от ума»

4)      A.S. Pushkin. Poems: «К Чаадаеву», «Песнь о вещем Олеге», «К морю», «Няне», «К***», «19 ОКТЯБРЯ», «И.И. Пущину», «Пророк», «Зимняя дорога», «Анчар», «На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла», «Туча», «Зимнее утро», «Бесы», «Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный…», «Не пой красавица при мне…»; poem «Цыгане»; novel «Евгений Онегин», «Повести Белкина», «Капитанская дочка».

5)      M.Yu. Lermontov. Poems: «Парус», «Смерть поэта», «Бородино», «Когда волнуется желтеющая нива…», «Дума», «Поэт», «Три пальмы», «Молитва», «И скучно и грустно», «Нет, не тебя так пылко я люблю…», «Родина», «Пророк», «Тучи», «Ангел»; poem «Мцыри»; novel «Герой нашего времени».

6)       N.V.Gogol. Comedy «Ревизор»; poem «Шинель», «Мертвые души».


V. From the Russian literature of the second half of XIX.

1) A.N.Ostrovskiy. One place by choice.






















Director  UCAaC


             D.A. Abubakirov






to the state budget educational institution

of the secondary vocational  education

of Culture and Art

of the  Republic of Bashkortostan

Uchalinsky College of Arts and Culture


Uchaly, 2013



to the state budget educational institution

of the secondary vocational  education

of Culture and Art

of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Uchalinsky College of Arts and Culture



1. Common regulations

1. These Rules govern the reception of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter — the citizens, persons,  applicants), as well as foreign citizens arriving in the state educational institution of the secondary professional  education of culture and art of the Republic of Bashkortostan «Uchalinsky College of Arts and Culture» (hereinafter — the College) for training on basic professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education in-depth training at the expense of the federal budget on contracts with tuition paid by the legal and (or) physical persons (hereinafter — the contract with the payment of tuition fees).

2. College develops and approves the annual admission rules that determine their characteristics for the respective year, do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of 10 July 1992 № 3266-1 «On Education», as amended, Standard regulation of educational institution of the secondary vocational training, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.07.2008 № 543, Admission to the state educational institutions of the  secondary vocational education, approved by the Russian Ministry of 15.01.2009 № 4 (as amended by Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education of 24.03.2009 № 98, from 26.05. 2009 № 179, from 11.23 2009 № 655), and other legal acts of the authorized federal executive organs in the field of education and the Charter College.

3. Admission to the College for  vocational education will be on the applications of persons:

-with basic general education — in accordance   with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the College itself in order to determine whether the incoming master corresponding basic professional educational programs of vocational education. College may consider an entrance test results of state (final) evaluation of students (GIA), mastered educational programs of general education conducted by the examination boards, created by executive authorities of the Russian Federation, has management in education;

— having the secondary (complete) general education — based on the results of the Unified State Examination (USE) in general studies and the results of additional entrance examinations;

— having secondary (full) general education received before 1 January 2009 (when receiving training for full-time education) — in accordance  with the results of entrance examinations conducted by the College itself.

Admission to the College for vocational education through the appropriate budget on a competitive basis. College admission requirements guarantees the right of citizens to education and enrollment of those most capable and prepared to master the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education in-depth training.

4. The results of the unified state examination, recognized as the results of entrance examinations in general subjects, the results of entrance examinations conducted by the educational institution itself, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general subjects, should not be installed below the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, the minimum number of points on results of the Unified State Examination on such general subjects, confirming the development of the basic education program (complete) general education, in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards in the current year.

5. When taken to the College for training in all specialties are set additional admission tests of creative and professional orientation (hereinafter -additional entrance tests).The list of specialties of vocational education, which when taken in the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary education can be more creative and entrance test (or) professional orientation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The Number, and the program of additional entrance examinations approved by the Board of College.

6. Outside the competition, subject to successful completion of the entrance examinations to the state educational institutions are accepted:

— orphans and children left without parental care, as well as those under the age of 23 years from the number of orphans and children left without parental care;

— disabled children, disabled groups I and II, according to the conclusion that the federal medical and social expertise is contraindicated training in appropriate educational institutions;

— citizens under the age of 20 years, having only one parent – the first  disabled group, where the average per capita of family income below the subsistence minimum established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;

— undergoing military service under the contract (except for officers), the continuous length of service of not less than three years;

— Citizens of other categories stipulated by the Russian Federation.

7. The right of priority for admission to government educational institutions are:

— citizens discharged from military service, the children of soldiers killed in the performance of military duties or died as a result of war injuries or diseases;

— children of those killed or died as a result of war injuries or diseases, they received when participating in counter-terrorism operations, and (or) other measures to combat terrorism;

— Citizens of other categories stipulated by the Russian Federation.

8. Volume and structure of the admission of students from the federal budget (hereinafter — the budget places) are determined in accordance with the tasks (check digit) set annually by the Ministry of Culture and National Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

9. Volume and structure of admission to college students from the budget of the Russian Federation (hereinafter — the budget places), are determined in the manner prescribed by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

10. College may exercise within the budget target locations with citizens in accordance with the agreements with the state authorities, local authorities to assist them in the preparation of specialists with the secondary vocational education and to organize these places separate competition.

11. College has the right to apply, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of education, receiving in excess of the budget places for training on a contract basis with payment of tuition fees. The total number of students in educational institution must not exceed the number established in the license to conduct educational activities. The list of specialties of vocational education, which when taken in the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary education can be more creative and entrance test (or) professional orientation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Number, and the program of additional entrance examinations approved by the Board of College.

12. State guarantees citizens, entered the competitive free secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions if education level of the citizen receives for the first time, in the manner prescribed by this Law (Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation). In a statement signed by the incoming fixed upper secondary vocational education for the first time.

13. College Admission provides the opportunity to review the Charter of Uchalinskiy college of arts and culture, to be licensed to conduct educational activities, a certificate of state accreditation.

2. Organization of reception of citizens in the College.

14. Organization of the reception on the basis of the unified state examination, including the organization of entrance examinations, additional entrance tests for training on the development of the basic professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education, college admissions commission (hereinafter — the selection committee).

Chairman of the selection committee is  appointed by the Director of the college.

15. To organize and conduct entrance tests and additional entrance examinations the chairman of selection committee form examination and appeals committee. College can organize the work-site examination commissions for those arriving on the basis of general education, initial vocational training appropriate profile for the entrance examinations for people with disabilities.

16. The formation, composition, powers and activities of the examination and appeal commissions regulations, are approved by the Director of the College.

17. Work of a selection committee and office, as well as personal welcome applicants and their parents (or legal guardians) organizes executive secretary, who is appointed by the director of the College.

18. When taken to the College Director of the College ensures that the rights of citizens in the field of education, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, openness and transparency of the selection committee, an objective assessment of abilities and aptitudes applicants.

19. Entrant must exercise control over the reliability of information on participation in the unified state exam, the results of the unified state examination, and also has the right to   check other documents submitted to applicants .

Control over the reliability of data on participation coming in uniform graduation examination is carried through in a federal database on participants unified state examination and the results of the unified state examination prompted about participation arriving in the unified state exam to confirm the correctness of the information on the results of the unified state exam.

To confirm the authenticity of other documents submitted by the incoming, the selection committee may apply to the appropriate state (municipal) organs and organizations.

3. Applicants documents acceptance

20. Application deadline to study basic professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education are established by an order of the College in accordance with the regulations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Reception of documents to study basic professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education begins not later than June 20 and ends August 15 (except for receiving the documents from persons entering on the basis of general education in the form of correspondence education)

Applicants who do not have the results of the unified state exam must register for the unified state examination in accordance with the Order of the unified state examination, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Admission to college to study basic professional educational programs of vocational training is conducted through personal application of applicants. Arriving may apply simultaneously to multiple specialties, various forms of education, to sell the basic professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education in the College, and at the same time the budget places and places on contracts with payment of tuition fees.

21. When applying for admission to the College the applicant  shows:

admission on the basis of general education — documents proving his identity, by your choice the original or a certified copy of the document state education, if you want the results of state (final) evaluation of students (GIA);

admission on the basis of secondary (complete) general education — documents proving his identity, by your choice the original, and can also provide a certified copy of the document state education, the original certificate of the results of the unified state exam or a photocopy (for applicants on the results of a single State Examination);

admission on the basis of vocational education, vocational training, higher education for training in short program — documents proving his identity (original or copy), by your choice original document of state education or its photocopy.

Those in military service and retired from the military service, eligible for a year after leaving the military to use the results of the unified state examination, handed them over the year to military service, are on admission to an educational institution military  card.

22.  In person submitting the documents coming assurance photocopies allowed by the original admission committee College.

Persons who have special rights to enroll in an educational institution established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as persons with disabilities are the relevant documents with your application. Persons with disabilities in applying are on your own original or a copy of one of the following: Finally, medical — educational commission, a reference to establish disability, issued by a federal agency of health — social expertise. Children — invalids I and II, are eligible for admission to the College out of the competition, subject to successful passing of entrance examinations are on your own original or a photocopy of the certificate of disability and establish conclusions about the absence of contraindications to study at the College issued a federal institution of medical and social assessment.    The statement shall contain the following information coming:

—           Last name, first name (last — if available);

—          Date and place of birth;

—          Details of the document proving his identity, when and by whom issued;

—          Place of residence;

—          Information on the previous level of education and educational documents, it is confirmed;

—          Profession (s) on which , he plans to go to college and stating the form of education, training conditions (budget, places on contracts with tuition fee);

—          information confirming that the unified state examination and its results or the place of the unified state examination in additional terms of the Unified State Examination;

—          presence \ absence of a diploma of the winner or runner respective School Olympiad (if available — with indicating this right and details of documents to prove this law);

—          presence \ absence of special rights to enroll in college, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (with — indicating that right and the information on the document confirming the existence of such rights) needs in providing hostel

23. Applicant indicates the acquaintance with the statute, the license to conduct educational activities and certificate of state accreditation of educational institutions with annexes on the chosen specialty or absence of the certificate and certified personal signature of applicant. In the same order the signature of the incoming fixes are also the following:

—          upper secondary vocational education for the first time;

—          introduction to the date of submission of the original document state education;

—          acquaintance with the rules of appeal for the reception on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the educational institution itself, additional admission tests;

—          consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-FZ «On Personal Data» (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, № 31, art. 3451).

Coming right when applying to use the sample placed on the official website of the College or the sample placed in federal state information of a «single portal of public and municipal services.»

Persons arriving at the target location, along with the documents mentioned above, the original document of the state sample on education. If there are multiple results, the unified state examination, the validity of which has not expired, the incoming points in the application, which results a unified state exam and what general subjects he uses.

In case of providing the incoming information that is untrue, the educational institution shall have the right to return the documents to the applicant.

26. All documents, including determining the right to benefits at admission, made at a time.

27. Applicant, who has passed all the documents, receives the receipt.

Documents for admission and the necessary documents may be sent via the incoming postal operators. Date of departure of documents should be no later than August

28. When sending documents through the postal operators of the public entering the application for admission applies proving his identity and citizenship, copy of the document state education, as well as other documents required by the rules of admission.

Other terms and conditions are governed by accepting documents approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary vocational education.

4. Entrance test

29. When receiving citizens arriving on the basis of secondary (complete) general education to study basic professional educational programs of vocational training, for all categories of applicants provide two entrance tests, one of which — the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the second — the literature.

When taken to the College for training in all specialties are set additional admission tests of creative and professional orientation. The list of additional entrance tests approved by the College Board and communicated to the applicants in the terms established by the approved Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary vocational education.

30. Entrance test, additional entrance tests conducted in written or oral form, shape listening, interviews or other means, determined by the Board of the College.

31. Additional admission tests may begin no earlier than the beginning of reception of documents, and can be conducted in parallel with the delivery of the unified state examination in additional terms of the Unified State Examination by persons without evidence of the results of the unified state exam.

32. At the entrance examination, additional entrance tests should be maintained calm and friendly environment, providing the opportunity to enter more fully demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

33. Schedule of entrance examinations, additional entrance tests approved by the chairman of the selection committee and notified to the applicants in the form and deadlines set approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary vocational education.

34. For applicants to the budget places (from the competition, targeted admission entitled to out-of-competition practices), as well as places under contracts with tuition fee on a special wire the same entrance test.

35. Persons taken away documents after receiving the documents, including the receiving of the entrance tests or additional admission test result is below the minimum number of points, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations or additional entrance tests, drop out of the competition.

36. Persons who do not appear in the entrance test, additional entrance test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances, confirmed documentally), are admitted to them in parallel groups, the next phase of entrance examinations, additional entrance tests or individually to theircompletion.

5. The order of the entrance examinations for persons entering on the basis of general education

                37. For those arriving on the basis of general education, provide two entrance tests, one of which — the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and the literature.

When taken to the College for training in all specialties are set additional admission tests of creative and professional orientation. The list of additional entrance tests approved by the College Board and communicated to the applicants in the terms established by the approved Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to the state-accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational education.

38. All entrance test for admission to basic general education (except for additional entrance examinations) conducted in accordance with the educational programs of general education.

39. For those arriving on the basis of general education, the educational institution may also be counted as the results of entrance examinations results of the entrance test of a given calendar year to another educational institution.

40. Persons who do not appear in the entrance test without good reason, and taken away documents at the time of admission tests, drop out of the competition and are not enrolled in an educational institution.

41. Re-admission tests If unsatisfactory evaluation and Retake entrance test in order to improve the assessment is not allowed.

6. Peculiarities of the entrance examinations for persons with disabilities.

42. Citizens with disabilities in the event of lack of results of the unified state examination pass entrance tests in the form determined by the College of allowing for the mental and physical development, individual empowerment and health status of applicants.

43. Entrance test is conducted in the Russian language in the form of a statement or dictation.

44. In conducting entrance tests comply with the following requirements:

—          entrance examinations are held in a separate audience, enrollment in the same classroom at the time the admission test in writing — up to 12 people, in oral form — up to 6 people;

—          duration of admission tests at the request of the applicant can be increased in relation to the time of the unified state examination in relevant subject, but no more than for 1.5 hours;

—          coming with their individual characteristics may in admission tests  use the necessary means to musical instruments.

7. Features of entrance tests

45. Schedule of entrance examinations, additional entrance tests approved by the chairman of the selection committee and notified to the applicants in the form and terms set approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to having state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary vocational education.

46. Before each test applicant receives examination paper, which is the only instrument permitting entry to the college building and the passage of the next test.

When entering the room where the test was coming the applicant shows examination paper. Applicant who has no examination paper on the test is not allowed.

47. Passing the test is conducted in the manner determined by the selection committee. The test results are published by the Admission Committee on the information board no later than the day after the test.

48. All entrance examinations are assessed on a 100-point scale. Total score consists of the results of the entrance test (in Russian language and literature) and additional admission tests of creative and professional orientation.

49. Results of the winners of the final stage of the All College students are recognized as the highest results of entrance examinations (100 points) in these general subjects for admission to the profession, do not meet the profile of the Olympiad.

8. General rules for appeals process

50. According to the results of the entrance test, an additional entrance test applicant has the right to present an appeal to the Commission a written appeal about the breach, in his opinion, of the established order of the test and (or) does not agree with his (their) results (hereinafter — the appeal).

In the case of an entrance examination in writing form the applicant can see with his work in due course.

51. The appeal is not a re-examination. In the course of the appeal is only checked the correctness of evaluation admission tests.

52. After appeal decision the appeal committee passes the decision about  the mark  of the examination (as in the case of its increase and decrease).

The procedure for presenting a written statement of appeal, and the appeal is governed by Section VIII of the Procedure of admission to the state-accredited educational institutions of the secondary vocational education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

9. Enrollment in an educational institution

53. Enrollment after the admission tests, including additional entrance tests, are not later than 5 days before the start of training.

54. The interval between the end of entrance tests and the date of presenting the original document of the   state pattern about the education for those applicants to  the budget places  is seven days.

55. At the written request of the applicants the original of the  document of the state education and other documents provided by the admissions, should be returned to the College for the next working day after the application is submitted.

56. After completing the admission tests in seven days, the applicant gives:

— Enrollment for budget places — original state education and the number of photos;

— Enrollment at places under contracts with tuition fee for training as a student — original state education and the number of photos.

57. In  applying for simultaneous parallel development of two major professional educational programs of the secondary vocational education (in the same or different educational institutions) the original of the document state education enrollment is coming of his choice on that basic professional educational program of vocational education, in which he will be trained as a student. By enrolling in other major professional educational program of vocational education as a listener is entering a certified copy of the document state education and a certificate from the educational institution, where he is a student.

58. Trainees  are enrolled according to contracts with the payment of tuition fees.

59. Order (orders) of enrollment with the number of points scored in the entrance test, as budgetary places, and places on contracts with payment of tuition fees will be posted on the information board selection committee and on the official website of the educational institution.

Upon the expiry of the original of the document state education director of the College issued an order of admission of persons nominated by the selection committee on the various conditions of the competition for admission and submit the original document of the state sample on education.

60. The date of the end of entrance test is the time of the announcement on the official website of the College at the stand of the selection committee with the list of people’s surnames  with the number of points, which is considered admission selection committee of the various levels of administration.

61. During the day after the announcement of the list of surnames College places on the  official site the timing of presenting the original document about  state education. Thus applicant , send documents via the postal operators of public communication, the extension of the original document of the  state pattern about education, a copy of the document proving his identity, copy of which was sent through the postal operators of the public.

62. Applicants who successfully pass the entrance test and additional entrance tests of creative and professional orientation, but not passed on competition, subject to availability are entitled to claim admission to the places under contracts with tuition fee within the admission quotas set by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Admission to the site under contracts with payment of tuition is carried out only at the conclusion of the contract and payment under the contract.

63. The order (s) of enrollment with the number of points scored in the entrance test, as budgetary places, and places on contracts with payment of tuition and enrollment base (without entrance  tests out of competition at the target admittance), published on information board both selection committee and the official website of the College on the day of publication and should be available to users in the period to 31 December this year, inclusive.

64. In case of checking carried out by way of supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, the facts of this competition and illegal enrollment  of applicant on the basis of false information provided to them about the results of the unified state exam the student is subject to dismissal, as appropriate. State official, the violations shall be liable in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

10. The order of target enrollment organization.

65. Target enrollment is based on competition among individual citizens, should be reported to state and local governments to target places, specially appointed by the state educational institution within the budget places.

Seats for target enrollment for each specialty is determined not later than one month  to admission of documents and should not exceed 30% of the total number of budget places in each division.

If necessary, the establishment of an educational institution of higher share coming to the target receiving it agrees with the founder.

66. Persons who have not passed the competition to the target location can be based on the available results of the entrance test and the unified state examination taken on various conditions of receiving any form of education at the College.

67. Target places left vacant after passing the entrance test and enroll, to persons participating in the general competition.

All procedures for the intended form of protocols receive admissions College.

11. Peculiarities  of admission of foreign citizens.

68. Enrollment of foreign students in the College to study basic educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental agreements of the Russian Federation at the expense of the budget (including within the limits of the Russian Government quota), as well as agreements with tuition fees paid by individuals and (or) legal entities.

69. Admission of foreign citizens to receive education at the expense of the budget on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation

70. Enrollment of foreign students in the College for training under contracts with the tuition paid by individuals and (or) legal entities are within the number established by the license to conduct educational activities, the conditions prescribed by the rules of the annual reception of the College.

71. Foreign citizens have the right to non-competitive entry and preferential right to apply to a college, the legislation of the Russian Federation.

72. Acceptance of documents for foreign citizens is carried out in the terms established in the college admission rules according to the groups.

73. When applying for admission to the College on the basic professional education program of vocational education applicant shows the following:

— A copy of the identity document of the applicant or identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation;

— The original document of state education (or duly certified copy), or the original document of a foreign state on education, equivalent to the Russian Federation state document of basic general and (or) secondary (full) general education (or certified by the duly photocopy), if necessary certificate of equivalence, or the originals legalized (if necessary) of a foreign state on education and the application to it (if the latter is provided by the legislation of the State which issued the document on education);

— Copies of the documents or other evidence to support the affiliation compatriots living abroad to groups referred to in Article 4 of the Federal Law of 24 May 1999 № 99FZ «State Policy of the Russian Federation in respect of compatriots abroad»;

— A copy of the visa to the Russian Federation, if a citizen came to an entry visa;

— The number of photos;

— All translations into Russian should be made on the name specified in the entry visa.

74. Foreign citizens entering in the limits of the RF Government Decree of 25 August 2008 № 638 «On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education» quota, are also of the direction of the Federal Agency for Education.

75. Entrance tests for foreign citizens, their form and the list defined in accordance with the rules of admission College.

76. If foreign citizens present the results of USE in general subjects included in the list of entrance  examinations to the appropriate specialty, the College considers the results of USE as the results of entrance examinations on such general subjects.

77. Foreign citizens who are entitled to receive for training at the expense of the budget and are the winners of the final stage of the All-accepted without entrance examinations for the degree corresponding to the profile Olympics.

78. Foreign nationals coming under the directions of the Federal Agency of Education accepted without entrance examinations, in the terms defined by the Federal Agency for Education.

79. Admission of foreign citizens to the places financed by the appropriate budget and contracts with payment of physical and (or) legal persons held in the terms determined by the rules of College admission.











Март 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс


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